Friday, March 27, 2009

Self-Created Suffering

"I think to a large extent, whether you suffer depends on how you respond to a given situation. For example, say that you find out that someone is speaking badly of you behind your back. If you react to this knowledge that someone is speaking badly of you, this negativity, with a feeling of hurt or anger, then you yourself destroy your own peace of mind. Your pain is your own reacting in a negative way, let the slander pass by your as if it was a silent wind passing behind your ears, you protect yourself from that feeling of hurt, that feeling of agony. So, although you may not always be able to avoid difficult situations,  you can modify the extent to which you suffer by how your choose to respond to the situation." 

This was a passage in the book about the Dalai Lama. It was about how we create suffering ourselves. The book is called The Art of Happiness. 
So far so good!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Don't be afraid to do what you want!

This can be taken in many different ways. For instance, I was just talking to one of my good friends today that I haven't spoken to in a few months (long overdue). 
It got me thinking that although I'm fairly young; Life goes by quickly.
I tend to think about others before myself. Which I'm told is good but the problem is sometimes it gets in the way of what I want to do and how I think. I don't always decide for myself, I decide what to do based on what others want.  

The past month I've been trying to teach myself to say "NO" more often. Not to be mean but to decide what "I" want to do instead of just saying yes because I feel bad. 

So far so good! But definitely hard to get used to.  

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Practice makes perfect

I recently got to follow a photographer and learn on location. 

It was great! Very informative and it was the way I enjoy learning... through doing. 

Adam Queen is a great photographer who lives in the Columbus area.
Check out his site!