Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tim Ferriss at RailsConf 09

I know I talk about Tim Ferriss a lot. But the guy decided to customize his life. Not the other way around. In this video he discusses his thinking, experiences, and why he does certain things. The total time is a little over an hour. I was thinking about trying to pinpoint a few different times to to watch but the entire video is great.


Friday, August 14, 2009

You have two options!

"Indecision becomes decision with time" - unknown author

Normally I hear this being said to the students my girlfriend teaches. "You have two options, you can either sit down and listen to the story or you can go play with play-dough."

From this simple saying I believe we can improve the effectiveness in our lives and it can get you ahead of the game. Heres what I mean:

These days everyone is let off the hook to easily. In any situation we subconsciously give ourselves three ways. 
1. We can finish the task at hand.
2. We can procrastinate and possibly finish because we are that confident that there will be a tomorrow. 
3. We don't finish.

#2 is the killer. We immediatly put ourselves in the second category. We say, "since I have 8 hours to fill today I can do it later. Then it never gets done. 

Elliminating #2 is the ultimate goal. Give yourself two options. Either do it, or don't and get something done that needs finishing. 

You can relate this to anything. Job - School - Personal endeavors.

Stop putting your life on hold. Will you be here tomorrow?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Recently I have been reading the very edgy author Bret Easton Ellis. His novels are
one of a kind. He has a very unique quality to his writing. Four of his books have been 
made into movies. Less than Zero, Rules of Attraction, The Informers and American Psycho.
I highly recommend reading these novels. They take you into a whole new world. 

Here they are in order of publication:

Less than Zero
Rules of Attraction
American Psycho
The Informers
Lunar Park

Ellis' website -

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Deal always as though seen

Baltasar Gracian was a writer almost four centuries ago. Even though this was such a long time ago his writings can relate to our political transformations, economic battles, local interests against global forces, and new technologies torn between democratization and centralization.
I have learned a lot by reading The art of Worldly Wisdom. 

Here is one of my favorite passages:

Deal always as though seen. he is the seeing man, who sees that he is seen, or that he will be seen. He knows that the walls have ears, and that what is evil breaks its fetters to be free. Even when alone, he works as though the eyes of the world were upon him; because he knows that everything comes to be known; holding as witnesses today, those who will be such tomorrow because of what was discovered to them; unconcerned with what might be seen in his house from that of another, is only he who would have the whole world look in. 

Friday, April 24, 2009

Hey! How are you? Good, how are you?

Everyone has said this to someone. "Hey, how are you? Good, how are you? When was the last time you meant what you said? This is a case of "automatic responder".  "Bill - Hey Joe! Joe - Good how are you?" 

What the hell? It's like we aren't even listening anymore. It's become so business and go go go go go go happy we don't stop and think what we just said. By the way, that conversation happens to me at least twice a week. I have completely stopped asking others how they are. I just say "Hi". And if they say hey Erik how are you? I just say "Good thanks". 

This isn't because I'm trying to be a smart ass, (maybe) but it almost doesn't seem to matter. No one even notices if I don't ask them how they are doing. So here is a test you can try.

TEST: Next time someone asks you, Hey Billy how are you? You stop them and say something completely unexpected. "Well, things aren't going so well. I seem to have contracted some sort of rash. It itches a lot and now its starting to puss. Do you have any good recommendations on some medication I could pick up?

Although this would probably get them to walk away.  They may just stop and think for a bit. Also, it's hilarious!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

"One should count each day a separate life."


Friday, March 27, 2009

Self-Created Suffering

"I think to a large extent, whether you suffer depends on how you respond to a given situation. For example, say that you find out that someone is speaking badly of you behind your back. If you react to this knowledge that someone is speaking badly of you, this negativity, with a feeling of hurt or anger, then you yourself destroy your own peace of mind. Your pain is your own reacting in a negative way, let the slander pass by your as if it was a silent wind passing behind your ears, you protect yourself from that feeling of hurt, that feeling of agony. So, although you may not always be able to avoid difficult situations,  you can modify the extent to which you suffer by how your choose to respond to the situation." 

This was a passage in the book about the Dalai Lama. It was about how we create suffering ourselves. The book is called The Art of Happiness. 
So far so good!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Don't be afraid to do what you want!

This can be taken in many different ways. For instance, I was just talking to one of my good friends today that I haven't spoken to in a few months (long overdue). 
It got me thinking that although I'm fairly young; Life goes by quickly.
I tend to think about others before myself. Which I'm told is good but the problem is sometimes it gets in the way of what I want to do and how I think. I don't always decide for myself, I decide what to do based on what others want.  

The past month I've been trying to teach myself to say "NO" more often. Not to be mean but to decide what "I" want to do instead of just saying yes because I feel bad. 

So far so good! But definitely hard to get used to.  

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Practice makes perfect

I recently got to follow a photographer and learn on location. 

It was great! Very informative and it was the way I enjoy learning... through doing. 

Adam Queen is a great photographer who lives in the Columbus area.
Check out his site!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Slow Dance

This poem is wonderful. I have this posted at home and at work. I try to read it a few times a week. I won't explain to much. You can take it however you would like. It really puts things in perspective. 



Have you ever watched kids 
On a merry-go-round? 
Or listened to the rain 
Slapping on the ground? 
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight? 
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night? 
You'd better slow down. 
Don't dance so fast. 
Time is short. 
The music won't last.

Do you run through each day 
On the fly? 
When you ask "How are you?" 
Do you hear the reply? 
When the day is done 
Do you lie in your bed 
With the next hundred chores 
Running through your head? 
You'd better slow down 
Don't dance so fast. 
Time is short. 
The music won't last.

Ever told your child, 
We'll do it tomorrow? 
And in your haste, 
Not see his sorrow? 
Ever lost touch, 
Let a good friendship die 
Cause you never had time 
To call and say "Hi"? 
You'd better slow down. 
Don't dance so fast. 
Time is short. 
The music won't last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere 
You miss half the fun of getting there. 
When you worry and hurry through your day, 
It is like an unopened gift.... 
Thrown away. 
Life is not a race. 
Do take it slower 
Hear the music 
Before the song is over.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Tell a stranger he or she is beautiful

A couple months ago I bought a book called Astonish Yourself! It's great. The concept is to go through different experiments of everyday life. 
One of them is called "Tell a stranger he or she is beautiful".  The point is that not only do you feel a sense of change and discomfort but you may have just made that strangers day??
What do you have to lose? As to what happen after you have done this we will never know unless you try. 
"You will find out for yourself. But if the response is in most cases a shrug of the shoulders, this at least testifies to a deplorable decay in social fabric."

Have fun!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

David Beckham

Recently there has been a lot of discussion about the possible transfer of David Beckham to A.C Milan. That may not seem like a big deal to some but he has his current contract with the L.A Galaxy. 
He is on loan with Milan until March 9th. Now...he wants to stay with Milan for the rest of the season because he's been doing well and adjusted faster than he anticipated. 

The minor problem is he has made it clear he wants to stay in Italy but the Galaxy want him back, what? Why would the Galaxy want him back when he said I want to stay in Italy. That is bound to mess with he current teammates of the Galaxy.

Let me know....

Saturday, February 14, 2009


For those of you who haven't read the book 4hourworkweek you are missing out. This is a great read that makes a lot of sense. It's all about doing things with a purpose and getting the most out of life. 
The title can be misleading if your current job expects the 9-5 out of you. There is much more to the book. The author, Tim Ferriss discusses various techniques on how to be effective with what you are doing. This book has completely changed my way of thinking for the better. If there is one book out there that I would recommend it would be 4hourworkweek by Tim Ferriss

Here is a 14 minute video of him discussing his philosophies. I watch this once a week. You can copy the link and put it in your browser 

Let me know what you think?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Who Cares??

We have all seen the tips and clippings on how to be "more green".  Some of us listen and try to make a difference and others hope that it will get better on it's own (our dying earth). 

What are you going to do today to make a difference?

Let me know.... also, what book is everyone reading right now?